Well, am not the one bragging, but i heared this many times from different people in different places.
But, when it comes to things out side that, i have trouble understanding! it seems that some people are really made for something but not for another, and in my case many anothers !
Examples (Maths, physics, money and buisness , how exactly to get your self married !(i.e. how do u find THE right person and most importantly marry him!), how to reply in a discussion the right way using the right words, without figuring that out after it all was over, how to keep a straight face with no expresions ! i really stinck at that, my face shows every thing out.
i have not been able to figure out how to add links to bloggs that i read often ! i am too scared for words to mess up that whatever setting they have and they tell u to remove the (edit me) and put somehting thats called (URL) !!! what is that for heavens sake !
somthing that i stick at (Royally) is:
how to keep my mouth SHUT!
i read long ago a small stotry about a littel bird who fell in a pile of ( well, how to say it .... mmm..... cow dung), so he started calling for help, now a doge herad him, and took him out of it, and then eat him !
the great moral of this story was:
- who ever takes u out of troubel is not necessarily your freind.
- who ever puts in trouble is not necessarily your enemy!
- If u r n a big pile of S*#t keep your mouth SHUT !
whats the relation of this story with the whole topic !
well, it was a nice story and it had a moral that i ought to learn !